Saturday, January 9, 2010

specific goals.

because I spent today screwing around on the internet instead of doing anything legitimate.

1. Rewrite my thesis proposal
2. Decide whether I need to submit a plan to the COUHES committee (these are reportedly the people that make sure my research doesn't give children cancer, but I am skeptical)
3. Return my damn library books
4. Stop reading blogs, even if they are extremely funny (see
5. Review some Spanish, particularly verb conjugations, so I don't humiliate myself in Spanish III this term
6. Gondoliers audition poster
7. Trial by Jury quick poster
8. Little Shop ads
9. Portfolio
10. Email folks about getting recommendation letters
11. Write stuff
12. Exercise, dammit
13. All the other terrifying thesis stuff
14. Clean
15. Mail stuff home


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