But. . .

Now I smell like sweat. This should be horrible. I should be embarrassed. But I realized that I smell different in warm weather than in cold weather, and I have not smelled like warm-weather sweat for seven months. It is novel, in fact. [EDIT: I forgot this is what I smell like when I burn, even slightly. Ain't life bizarre?]
[Edit #2: Walked a total of 24 miles this weekend. Boo-yah me. The longest portion walked consecutively of that -- 9.3 miles -- is pictured above. . . man I love Boston.]
Thanks to my blog binge on swissmiss this weekend, I found a number of things to think about, which perhaps will follow in a different blog post.
But from the week, sort of:
A story by Jorge Luis Borges, an Argentinian author, which we had to read in Spanish. I didn't get it. I read it in Spanish, looking up at all the words as I went, and didn't get it; I read it again in English, and I didn't get it. The thing to do, obviously, was buy a book of his short stories, which is now on my desk.
100 most used verbs in Spanish. Ugh why don't I have any kind of vocabulary? (Test last week. :P)

Another architecture blog. Some thought to balance all the candy.
These ideas for Japanese keyboards are apparently an April Fool's Joke, but I find them fascinating. I've never seen anyone typing super quickly in Japanese. It will be interesting to see what changes are wrought in the language by technology. . .
A fabric museum thingy?
This article, about why women in healthier countries prefer feminine-looking men to masculine-looking men, FREAKS ME THE HELL OUT. I hate discovering MORE things that make my personal choices seem outside my personal control. . .

I will hopefully discuss swissmiss, nematodes, and CPW in another blog post soon. . .
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