Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A dust bunny ballerina. Is this not funky and delightful?
Unnnngh I crave these delightful watercolors.
Dissolving. I like everything about this, but particularly the free use of mixed media textures.
Light. This painting has so few strokes and such a feeling of light.
Crocodile. This is possible the best crocodile ever.
** Tiny rant time. Note to all deviantart folks: I recognize the skill and the beauty in your nude portraits of women. I really do. But realize that every time you post or praise another picture like this, particularly when there is no corresponding male nude with his face obscured being touted as "art," you are laying one more straw on the "women are objects" camel's back. Why can't you please, please try to either address that ugly subtext or do something different without it?
for your viewing enjoyment. . . church

Believe it or not, my thesis is progressing apace. This is the other church daylighting model, a heavily simplified version of this church:

This is the Christian Church in Logan, Iowa. . . it's the church my father attended as a child, and the one that I have gone to Christmas Eve service in after the family reunion for most years. It unfortunately does not look like this anymore. . .
BEHOLD: The 1970s.

Le sigh.
Feeling a lot calmer than I have for a while. . . it seems there is a chance the internship in Spain might actually happen. :D
Monday, April 26, 2010
important things, such as BEARS
That being said.
Polar bears play-fighting.
When I watched this video, half of my brain was saying, "OH MY GOSH those are enormous predators fighting! Think how scary this would be in real life!"
while the other half was going, "SQUEEEE! THEY'RE SO CUTE AND WODGY!"
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Le sigh.
An awesome site, recommended to me a year ago, but that I have only taken up just now: Lang-8. It's sort of like Facebook but cooler. The idea is that you post journal entries about whatever in whichever language you are learning, and native speakers correct them for you. I have posted one entry in Spanish and one in Japanese and already gotten corrections for both, and I have corrected one entry (in English, of course). For whatever reason there seem to be a somewhat disproportionate number of Japanese speakers on the site, but theoretically there are like 30 or 40 languages represented. Cool stuff.
The last three days of this week were. . . pretty awful. Words fail me. All I can say is that I look forward with grim expectancy to class evaluation time.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
book lust
Monday, April 19, 2010
you'll never see your little piggie friend again
This also included a 10-minute stop at Mike's Pastry (man, how I love that bakery) in the North End, where I overdosed on almonds for the week: an almond paste macaroon, a crucanti macaroon (which is covered with crunchy toasted almonds), and a pig-shaped piece of marzipan. It occurred to me as I walked back down Bowdoin street, munching on my bounty, that I should have waited until I got home so I could take pictures of the goods to share here. What, me, have self-control? Nah.
The one difficulty was with the pig. The mold they used made it look so. . . friendly. There's just something weird about eating a friendly pink pig with blue frosting eyes. . .
Sunday, April 18, 2010
now that is just dickish
Saturday, April 17, 2010
reasons why webcomics are not healthy
Friday, April 16, 2010
pottery party time
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
hello, MIT
acentos. . .
The room next door to me in the communal student house I live in was never fully moved out of by its previous occupant, so my other neighbor/former roommate and I have been taking his stuff down to his new basement room over the past few days. He has a lot of stuff.
We both took a 'book tax,' if you will -- she borrowed his copy of Dexter and I borrowed this book. My Spanish teacher recommended it (after rolling her eyes and declaring The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao a "sensacionalista" representation of the Dominican Republic. Junot Diaz, who teaches at MIT, apparently responded to her telling him this by saying, "You throw your shit, I'll throw mine.")
So far I find it. . . interesting? Well-written and readable, certainly. But a great deal of the book is about the four sisters' relationships with various men, which is . . . not something I find myself particularly able to identify with. . .wrinkly face of wryness.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
inserting page breaks
Still trying to improve the readability of this blog. . .logistically if not content-wise.
I guess part of my problem is that some of the blogs I enjoy reading (such as this one) are not really in compliance with all the recommendations that are out there for blog design. What this blog has that other blogs don't is a compelling story of someone's life and what they are learning about being a human being in real time. (In the aforementioned blog, it helps that she is learning about life as an exchange student in New Delhi. Man, it would be cool to go to India. Or anywhere. Moving on.) That said, it's a little hard to translate from "what would I enjoy reading" to "what would other people enjoy reading."
Saturday, April 10, 2010
ze mouse & ze spirits
My thesis adviser is a very wise person.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
unreasonably distressing
Apparently this building is a condominium and therefore didn't have to have sprinklers. I find this moderately irritating because my single has no less than four sprinklers -- one over my loft, one under my loft, one over the bookcase by the loft, and one over the desk half doorway. My possessions are in far more danger of being annihilated by water than flames, so far as I can tell. . .
progress toward sanity
It is 80 degrees outside, and it it nearly 10 PM. I am awed.
Two things:
One. I discovered the swiss miss design blog this weekend. I'm pretty far behind the curve for awesome design blogs, but it pretty much rocks my socks off.
Two. I have this one friend. He is kind of an ass. Sometimes I read things he posts on my (and other people's) Facebook wall and I think, How do ass genes like his get perpetuated in the general population? You would think that such genes would be bad for survival, since they encourage people to punch you in the face and do other things to you that have poor effects on your health.
Then I listen to the recordings he has posted of himself playing guitar and I think, Ah. Yes. This is how.
Moral of story: The arts were invented by jerkwads who otherwise could not reproduce. (Maybe.)
Perhaps unsurprisingly, he has also has really good taste in music. Woot.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
thoughts of the week
But. . .

Now I smell like sweat. This should be horrible. I should be embarrassed. But I realized that I smell different in warm weather than in cold weather, and I have not smelled like warm-weather sweat for seven months. It is novel, in fact. [EDIT: I forgot this is what I smell like when I burn, even slightly. Ain't life bizarre?]
[Edit #2: Walked a total of 24 miles this weekend. Boo-yah me. The longest portion walked consecutively of that -- 9.3 miles -- is pictured above. . . man I love Boston.]
Thanks to my blog binge on swissmiss this weekend, I found a number of things to think about, which perhaps will follow in a different blog post.
But from the week, sort of:
Saturday, April 3, 2010
percolation attempt number two
That entry is currently not getting written, because I have been pretty bitter, tired, and unhappy all week. I am unfortunately upset with a couple of specific people, but I'm also panicked about deadlines, amount of work, grades, personal attractiveness, weight gain, and overall future happiness.